Aν. Καθηγήτρια Ενδοκρινολογίας
  1. M. Peppa-Patrikiou, M. Maniati-Christidi, M. Dracopoulou, C. Dacou-Voutetakis. “Endothelin, stress hormones and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)”. 3rd European Meeting for the Implementation of the St. Vincent Declaration, Athens, March 29th-April 1st, 1995.
  2. M. Peppa-Patrikiou, M. Maniati-Christidi, M. Dracopoulou, C. Dacou-Voutetakis. “Increased urinary endothelin and cortisol in subjects with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)”. 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, Edinburg, UK, June 25-28, 1995, Hormone Metabolic Research 1995, 44 (Suppl 1): A313
  3. M. Peppa-Patrikiou, M. Dracopoulou, M. Maniati-Christidi, C. Dacou - Voutetakis. “Urinary endothelin in subjects with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Its relation to urinary free cortisol and other factors”. 77th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Washington, June 14-17, 1995.
  4. M. Peppa-Patrikiou, M. Dracopoulou, C. Dacou-Voutetakis. “Hyperactivity of the adrenals and diabetic angiopathy in subjects with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)”. 35th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, Montpellier, France, September 15-18, 1996, Hormone Research 1996, 46 (Suppl 2:A247)
  5. M. Peppa-Patrikiou, A. Antoniou, C. Dacou-Voutetakis. “Carotid atherosclerosis in adolescents and young adults with IDDM. Its relation to endothelin, microalbuminuria, cortisol and other factors”. 5th Joint Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society in collaboration with the Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group, Japanese Society for Ρediatric Endocrinology and Latin American Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, Stocholm, Sweden, June 22-26, 1997, Hormone Research 1997, 48 (Suppl 2):A651
  6.  Ι. Ioannidis, O. Platis, M. Peppa, N. Hatjis, T. Zisis, P. Trivizas, L. Flessas, N. Thalassinos. “Microalbuminuria and left ventricular mass in subjects with diabetes mellitus”. 9th Balcan Congress of Endocrinology, Τhessaloniki, May 7-10, 1997.
  7. Μ. Peppa-Patrikiou, M. Dracopoulou, C. Dacou-Voutetakis. “Urinary endothelin in adolescents and young adults with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Relation to microalbuminuria and other factors”. 31th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Athens, September 27-30, 1997.
  8. O. Platis, M. Peppa, N. Hatjis, T. Zisis, L. Flessas, N. Thalassinos. “Correlation of microalbuminuria with left ventricular diastolic function in diabetes mellitus”. 16th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Helsinki, Finland, July 20-25, 1997, Diabetologia 1997,40 (Suppl1):A1750
  9. C. Dacou-Voutetakis, M. Peppa-Patrikiou, N. Georgopoulos. “Complications of diabetes mellitus in adolescents”. 6th Transmed of Pediatrics, 34th Turkish Paediatric Association Congress, Istanbul, April 15-17, 1998.
  10. M. Peppa, E. Vagiakis, G. Ioannidis, C. Vlami, C. Roussos, N. Thalassinos.“Sleep apnea in partially treated acromegaly”. IV European Congress of Endocrinology, Sevilla, Spain, May 9-13, 1998.
  11. M. Maniati-Christidi, M. Peppa, M. Dracopoulou, C. Dacou-Voutetakis. “Urinary endothelin in adolescents and young adults with IDDM. Relation to indices of diabetic angiopathy”. 34th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Barcelona, Spain, September 8-12, 1998, Diabetologia 1998,41 (Suppl 1):A1230
  12. Ι. Vaindirlis, M. Peppa, M. Dracopoulou, C. Dacou-Voutetakis. “Stress hypertension in adolescents. Increased urinary cortisol and endothelin. A preliminary report”. 37th Annual Meeting of European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, Florence, Italy, September 24-27, 1998, Hormone Research 1998, 50 (Suppl 3): A319
  13. G. Ioannidis, M. Peppa, E. Rontogianni, M. Kallifronas, I. Lekatsas, G. Chrysanthopoulou, L. Anthopoulos, M. Kesse, N. Thalassinos. “Microalbuminuria plus retinopathy. A reliable index of silent myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetics”. 35th Annual Meeting of EASD, Brussels, Belgium, September 27-October 2, 1999, Diabetologia 1999, 42 (Suppl1):A1202
  14. M. Peppa, JG. Zhang, W. Cai, H. Brem, H. Vlassara. In vivo glycoxidation product homeostasis depends on dietary input, under stable hyperglycemia. ADA 62nd Scientific session, San Francisco, June 14-18, 2002, Diabetes 2002,51 (Suppl2):A332 
  15. T. Goldberg, W. Cai, M. Peppa, V. Dardaine, H. Vlassara. Content of glycoxidation and lipoxidation substances in common healthy diets. ADA 62nd Scientific session, San Francisco, June 14-18, 2002, Diabetes 2002, 51 (Suppl2):A600
  16. M. Peppa, JG. Zhang, W. Cai, H. Brem, H. Vlassara. Wound healing in diabetic db/db (+/+) Mice is regulated by dietary content in glycotoxins under stable hyperglycemia. ADA 62nd Scientific session, San Francisco, June 14-18, 2002, Diabetes 2002, 52 (Suppl 1), A189
  17. M. Peppa, V. Dardaine, W. Cai, T. Goldberg, E. Rayfield, H. Vlassara. C Reactive protein and other inflammatory markers are induced by dietary glycotoxins: A pathway for accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes. ENDO Society Meeting, San Francisco, 2002, A359
  18. M. Peppa, C. He, F. Fheng, Mc Evoy R, H. Vlassara. Long term low AGE intake corrects autoimmune defects and preserves normal pancreatic islet morphology, in nonobese diabetic mice, over 14 months. ENDO Society meeting, San Fransisco 2002
  19. J Uribarri, M. Peppa, Goldberg T, Cai WJ, He CJ, Vlassara H. Effect of dietary AGEs modifications on plasma AGE levels in Dialysis patients. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology 2002, J Am Soc Nephrol 2002, 13, A395
  20. M. Peppa, H. Brem, W. Cai, J. Basgen, M. Lu, L. Zhu, M. Steffes, H. Vlassara. AGE-breaker, ALT-711 Improves Established Diabetic Nephropathy in db/db Mice. 63nd Diabetes Meeting, New Orleans 2003, Diabetes 2003; 52(Suppl 1): A189
  21. J. Uribarri, WJ. Cai, M. Peppa, T. Goldberg, H. Vlassara. Renal clearance of advanced glycoxidation end products (AGE) is markedly reduced in diabetic patients in the absence of impaired GFR. 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology 2002, J Am Soc Nephrol 2003, 14, 394A
  22. T. Goldberg, W. Cai, M. Peppa, H. Vlassara. Evaluation of daily consumption of advanced glycoxidation endproducts in healthy and diabetic type 2 patients. 63nd ADA meeting, New Orleans 2003, Diabetes 2003, 52 (Suppl 1), A554
  23. W. Cai, JC He, M. Lu, L. Zhu, M. Peppa, H. Vlassara. Amelioration of insulin resistance, weight gain and oxidant stress in older mice by dietary glycotoxin restriction; a therapeutic alternative to caloric restriction; 64nd ADA meeting, Philadelphia, 2004, Diabetes 2004, 53 (Suppl 2), A343
  24. J. Uribarri, W. Cai, O. Sandu, T. Goldberg, S. Goodman, M. Peppa, H. Vlassara. Diet-derived Maillard products induce inflammation and insulin resistance in healthy subjects. Maillard International Conference South Carolina, 2004
  25. J. Uribarri,W. Cai, O. Sandu, S. Goodman, M. Lu, M. Peppa, H. Vlassara. Diet-derived advanced glycation endproducts (dAGE) contribute to circulating AGE levels, induce inflammation and are associated with higher fasting plasma insulin levels in healthy subjects ; role in human pre-diabetes. 65th ADA meeting San Diego 2005, A428. Diabetes 2005, 54 (Suppl 2)
  26. A. Mylonakis, J Androulakis, M. Peppa, A. Papaefstathiou, D. Xatjidakis, SA. Raptis. The role of obesity in the impact of menopause on bone mineral density. Prague 2006
  27. E Papadavid, M Peppa, D Hadzidakis, T Economopoulos, S Raptis, E Balamoti, N Stavrianeas.  Rare cutaneous manifestations in a multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) syndrome patient. European Dermatology Meeting, 2007
  28. A. Mylonakis, D. Hadjidakis, M. Peppa, A Papaeustathiou, T. Economopoulos, S. Raptis. Adipose tissue etc. 9th European Endocrinology Meeting 2007 
  29. D. Hadjidakis, A. Mylonakis, I.  Androulakis, M. Peppa, T. Ekonomopoulos, SA Raptis. Bilateral oophorectomy at early ages : An additional to surgery risk factor for osteoporosis ? 51st Annual Meeting of the German Society of Endocrinology, (DGE) and 12th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Salzburg March 7-10, 2007 Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 2007, 115 Suppl. 1: S89-S90
  30. M. Peppa, V. Pikounis, S. Kamakari, G. Peros, T. Economopoulos, S. A. Raptis, D.  Hadjidakis. Novel MEN1 germline mutations and clinical features in Greek patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. 10th European Congress for Endocrinology, May 3-7, Berlin, 2008
  31. M. Peppa, D. Hadjidakis, Μ. Αlevizaki, G. Dimitriadis, V. Pikounis, G. Isari, T.  Economopoulos, J. Uribarri, H. Vlassara, S. A. Raptis. Insulin resistance and oxidative stress induce advanced glycation end products formation in patients with clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism. 10th European Congress for Endocrinology, May 3-7, Berlin, 2008
  32. D. Hadjidakis, A. Mylonakis, I. Androulakis, A.E. Raptis, M. Peppa, A. Papaeystathiou, T. Economopoulos, SA Raptis. The impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the association of bone mineral density with body composition. 35th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, 24-28 May, Barcelona Spain, 2008,Calcified Tissue International 2008:  82 (Suppl 1) 51-S284)
  33. D. Hadjidakis, A. Mylonakis, I. Androulakis, M. Peppa, A.E. Raptis, A Papaefstathiou, T. Economopoulos, S.A. Raptis. Is the favorable effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus on bone mineral density associated to increased bone fat. EASD, 8-11 September, Rome, 2008, Diabetologia 2008; 51 (Suppl 1): S328
  34. M. Peppa, V. Pikounis, S. Kamakari, G. Peros, I. Panayiotides, T. Economopoulos, SA Raptis, D. Hadjidakis. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A in two families with the familial medullary thyroid carcinoma associated G533C mutation of the RET proto-oncogene. 11th International Workshop on Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Delphi, Greece, 25-27 September, 2008, Hormones 2008; 7 (Suppl 2): 76
  35. S. Kamakari, M. Alevizaki, T. Bei, M. Peppa, M. Anapliotou, M. Tzanela, G. Kafiri, E. Papadodima, S. Malaktari, S. Tsagarakis, P. Kaldrymides, T. Rampias, G. Koutsodontis, B. Metaxa-Mariatou, C. Giatzakis, I. Konstantopoulou, D. Yannoukakos. The rare mutation of RET gene G533C is found in 15 unrelated Greek families explaining the “RET-negative” patients FMTC/MEN2A. 11th International Workshop on Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Delphi, Greece, 25-27 September, 2008, Hormones 2008; 7 (Suppl 2): 70
  36. P. Liberopoulos, M. Peppa, G. Papatheodorou, D. Hadjidakis, S. Papiris, S. Loukides. Respiratory function and airway inflammation with hypothyroidism. The effect of treatment. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress 2009
  37. E. Maratou, E. Boutati, M. Peppa, V. Lambadiari, G. Dimitriadis, S.A. Raptis SA A novel quantitative flow cytometric method for the determination of a diabetes associated adipocytokine, omentin, in human plasma 45th Annual Meeting EASD, Vienna, Austria,29 Sept-2 Oct., 2009. FEBS 2009;  276 Suppl 1    : 263-264)
  38. D. Hadjidakis, A. Mylonakis, J. Androulakis, M. Peppa, A.E. Raptis, A. Papaefstathiou, E. Garoflos, C. Koliaki, T. Economopoulos, S.A Raptis. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is associated with a redistribution of fat mass in postmenopausal women.  45th Annual Meeting EASD, Vienna, Austria, 29 Sept-2 Oct., 2009. Diabetologia 2009;  52 (Suppl 1).  S264
  39. E. Maratou, E. Boutati, M. Peppa, V. Lambadiari, T.  Economopoulos, G. Dimitriadis, S.A. Raptis. A novel quantitative flow cytometric method for the determination of a new adipocytokine, omentin, in human plasma 45th Annual Meeting EASD, Vienna, Austria, 29 Sept-2 Oct., 2009, Diabetologia 2009;  52 (Suppl 1).  S280-S281)
  40. E. Maratou, E. Boutati, M. Peppa, V. Lambadiari, T.  Economopoulos, G. Dimitriadis, S.A. Raptis. A novel quantitative flow cytometric method for the determination of a diabetes associated adipocytokine, omentin, in human plasma.  FEBS JOURNAL  2009;Suppl1:  276:: 263-264)
  41. A. Papadopoulou, S. Nika, A. Mermerelis, P. Nikolaidou, M. Peppa, E. Rizos, A. Douzenis, E. Lykouras. Male pseudihermaphroditism and psychosis. World Congress 2009 of The World Federation for Mental Health, September 2-6, 2009, Athens, Greece Ψυχιατρική 2009; 20 (1): 100 (P017)
  42. G. Basios, E. Trakakis, M. Peppa, C. Chrelias, E. Boutati,, G. Simeonidis, M. Creatsa, G. Salamalekis, P. Skarpas, P. Papadopoulos, D. Kassanos. Glucose tolerance abnormalities in Greek women with PCOS. 14th World Congress of Gynecological, Endocrinology II Congresso ISGE Italia, Firenze, 4-7/3/2010
  43. M. Stamataki, E. Brountzos, A. Maratsos, M. Peppa, C. Meristoudis, P. Karakitsos. Esophageal diverticulum: A mimicker of thyroid nodule first diagnosed on fine needle aspiration: a case report.  17th International Congress of Cytology, Edinburgh, Scotland, 16-20/5/2010 Acta Cytologica  2010; Suppl 54 (3): 514-514
  44. E. Maratou, E. Boutati, M. Peppa, V. Lambadiari, P Mitrou, F Spanoudi, G. Dimitriadis, SA Raptis. Omentin, a novel visceral fat depot-specific secretory protein enhances insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in peripheral monocytes in patients with type 2 diabetes. EASD 2010, Diabetologia 2010; 53 (Suppl 1) A745
  45. C. Koliaki, M. Peppa, A. Papaefstathiou, E. Garoflos, G. Dimitriadis, N. Katsilambros, S. A. Raptis, D. Hadjidakis. DXA-derived determinants of metabolically “healthy” and “unhealthy” obese phenotype in obese postmenopausal women. 18th European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2011), 25-28 May, Istanbul, Turkey Obesity Reviews 2011;12:Suppl 1:T3/T4:OS4.2, page 53
  46. A. Mylonakis, M. Peppa, I. Androulakis, A. Papaefstathiou, E. Garoflos, SA Raptis, G. Dimitriadis, D. Hadjidakis. How does menopause before the age of 45 affect bone mineral density? 37th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues? Bone 2011, (48) Suppl 2: S187-S187
  47. P. Nikolopoulos, M. Peppa, P.Korkolopoulou, D. Lapatsanis, G. Dimitriadis, D. Xadjidakis. MALT thyroid lymphoma: an unusual case of thyroid cancer with uncertain prognosis. ENDO Society 2011, P3-681
  48. C. Koliaki, M. Peppa, E. Boutati, A. Papaefstathiou, E. Garoflos, N. Katsilambros, S.A. Raptis, G. Dimitriadis, D. Hadjidakis. Korrelationen  der Präsenz und Schwere des Metabolischen Syndroms mit der regionalen Körperfettverteilung (DXA-Messungen) bei stoffwechselgesunden Frauen in der Menopause. DDG 2011 46th Annual Congress of the German Diabetes Association (DDG), 1-4 June 2011, Leipzig. Diabetologie & Stoffwechsel 2011;6:S95
  49. C. Voulgari, N. Tentolouris, E. Hatziagelaki, E. Boutati, M. Peppa, N. Katsilambros. Accuracy and Precision of Glucose Monitoring Are Relevant to Treatment Decision Making and Clinical Outcome in Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes. ADA 2011
  50. M. Peppa, C. Koliaki, E. Boutati, E. Garoflos, A. Papaefstathiou, N. Katsilambros, S.A. Raptis, G. Dimitriadis, D. Hadjidakis. Discriminant features of “Metabolically Healthy Obese” and “Metabolically Obese Normal Weight” phenotypes in healthy postmenopausal women. 47th EASD Annual Meeting, 12-16 September, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011 Diabetologia 54:Suppl 1:P666;2011
  51. K. Hadjioannou, V. Saradopoulou, E.Anastasiou, G. Philippou, H.Vlassara, M. Peppa, P. Lymberi, M. Alevizaki. Is non-enzymic protein glycation occurring in diabetes related to the production of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies? European Thyroid Association 2011
  52. C. Koliaki, M. Peppa, E. Boutati, E. Garoflos, A. Papaefstathiou, N. Katsilambros, S.A. Raptis, G. Dimitriadis, D. Hadjidakis. The effect of lean body mass on insulin resistance and other cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy postmenopausal women. 17tth Panhellenic Congress of Internal Medicine and 10th Congress of the European Federation of Internal Medicine 2011, Athens, Greece, October 5-8, 2011,  Eur J Int Med 2011;22 (Suppl 1): S49
  53. P. Tsiotra, E. Boutati, M. Peppa, K. Patsouras, E. Salamalekis, G. Dimitriadis, S.A. Raptis. Adiponectin and RBP4 gene expression in adipose tissue and the placenta in gestational diabetes mellitus. 17tth Panhellenic Congress of Internal Medicine and 10th Congress of the European Federation of Internal Medicine 2011, Athens, Greece, October 5-8, 2011, P167, Eur J Int Med 2011;22 (Suppl 1): S94
  54. M. Peppa, E Garoflos, A. Papaefstathiou, G. Isari, M.  Αlevizaki, G. Dimitriadis, D. Hadjidakis, S.A. Raptis. Increased levels of glycoxidation products in patients with clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism. 17tth Panhellenic Congress of Internal Medicine and 10th Congress of the European Federation of Internal Medicine 2011, Athens, Greece, October 5-8, 2011, OP11, Eur J Int Med 2011;22 (Suppl 1): S73
  55. K. Spyrou, M. Peppa, A. Maratsos, N. Economopoulos, G. Velonakis, C. Tsompalioti, E. Mouchtouri, N. Kelekis. Carcinoid syndrome due to a primary ovarian carcinoid tumor: CT and MRI findings. XVIII National Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging, 7-9/10/2011, Romania, p167
  56. K. Spyrou, E. Mainta, M. papathanasiou, N. Economopoulos, S. Argentos, O Papaconstantinou, M. Peppa, N. Kelekis. Pre-surgery detection of ectopic parathyroid gland in primary hyperparathyroidism. The contribution of CT, MR imaging and MRI 3D postprocess. XVIII National Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging, 7-9/10/2011, Romania, p166
  57. N. Papadopoulou, C. Skevaki, M. Peppa, M. Sfakiotaki, I. Papassotiriou, G. Chrousos, C. Kanaka-Gantenbein. NGAL, GDF-15 and YKL-40: early biomarkers of cardio-renal disease in Type 1 Diabetes ESPAD 2012
  58. N.Magoutis, J.Parissis, A. Karavidas, DT. Farmakis, V. Mantzaraki, M. Peppa, I. Ikonomidis, G. Filippatos, V. Pyrgakis, J. Lekakis.  Effects of functional electrical stimulation of lower limb muscles on circulating endothelial progenitor cells, CD34+monocytes and VEGF-A in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Congress of the European-Society-of-Cardiology (ESC) 29/8-2/9-2015, London, ENGLAND European Heart Journal 2015; Suppl 36 (1): 460-460, P 2666
  59. D. Kaldrymidis, G. Papadakis, G. Tsakonas, I. Kostoglou-Athanasiou, P. Kaldrymidis, M. Peppa, P. Roussou, E. Diamanti-Kandarakis. Quality of life in patients with acromegaly and the effect of somatostatin analogues. European Endocrinology Congress 2016
  60. D. Kaldrimidis, G.Papadakis, G Tsakonas, P. Kaldrimidis, T. Flaskas, A. Seretis, E. Pantazi, I. Kostoglou-Athanasiou, M. Peppa, P. Roussou, E. Diamanti-Kandarakis. High Incidence of Thyroid Cancer among Patients with Acromegaly. European Endocrinology Congress 2016
  61. G. Salamalekis, E. Trakakis, V. Pergialiotis, V. Christodoulopoulou, M. Peppa, N. Papantoniou. The correlation of menstrual abnormalities with hormonal and metabolic parameters of women with PCOS. 10th Athens Congress on Women’s health and Disease.” Preconception to Menopause”, Athens, Hilton, 1-3/9/2016 (EP-57)